The Laboratory of Microglial Phagocytosis,
Neuroinflammation & Neurodegeneration
The Laboratory of Guy Brown at the University of Cambridge
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Primary Publications
Pampuscenko K, Jankeviciute S, Morkuniene R, Sulskis D, Smirnovas V, Brown GC, Borutaite V. S100A9 protein activates microglia and stimulates phagocytosis, resulting in synaptic and neuronal loss. Neurobiol Dis. 2025 Jan 28:106817.
Milasauskiene E, Burkauskas J, Jesmanas S, Gleizniene R, Borutaite V, Skemiene K, Vaitkiene P, Adomaitiene V, Lukosevicius S, Gradauskiene B, Brown G, Steibliene V (2024) The links between neuroinflammation, brain structure and depressive disorder: A cross-sectional study protocol. PLoS One. 19(11):e0311218.
Birkle TJY, Willems HMG, Skidmore J, Brown GC (2024). Disease phenotypic screening in neuron-glia cocultures identifies blockers of inflammatory neurodegeneration. iScience. 27:109454.
Kitchener EJA, Dundee JM & Brown GC (2024) Activated microglia release β−galactosidase that promotes inflammatory neurodegeneration. Front. Aging Neurosci. 15:1327756.
Reid KM, Brown GC (2023) LRPAP1 is released from activated microglia and inhibits microglial phagocytosis and amyloid beta aggregation. Front Immunol. 14:1286474.
Dundee JM, Puigdellívol M, Butler R, Brown GC (2023). P2Y6 receptor-dependent microglial phagocytosis of synapses during development regulates synapse density and memory. J Neurosci. 43:8090-8103.
Pampuscenko K, Morkuniene R, Krasauskas L, Smirnovas V, Brown GC, Borutaite V (2023) Extracellular tau stimulates phagocytosis of living neurons by activated microglia via Toll-like 4 receptor-NLRP3 inflammasome-caspase-1 signalling axis. Sci Rep. 13:10813.
Birkle TJY & Brown GC (2023) Syk inhibitors protect against microglia-mediated neuronal loss in culture. Front. Aging Neurosci., 15:1120952.
Dundee JM, Puigdellívol M, Butler R, Cockram TOJ, Brown GC (2023) P2Y6 receptor-dependent microglial phagocytosis of synapses mediates synaptic and memory loss in aging. Aging Cell. 22:e13761
Popescu AS, Butler CA, Allendorf DH, Piers TM, Mallach A, Roewe J, Reinhardt P, Cinti A, Redaelli L, Boudesco C, Pradier L, Pocock JM, Thornton P, Brown GC (2023) Alzheimer's disease-associated R47H TREM2 increases, but wild-type TREM2 decreases, microglial phagocytosis of synaptosomes and neuronal loss. Glia 71:974-990
Allendorf DH & Brown GC (2022) Neu1 Is Released From Activated Microglia, Stimulating Microglial Phagocytosis and Sensitizing Neurons to Glutamate. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 16:917884.
Reid KM, Kitchener EJA, Butler CA, Cockram TOJ, Brown GC (2022). Brain Cells Release Calreticulin That Attracts and Activates Microglia, and Inhibits Amyloid Beta Aggregation and Neurotoxicity. Front Immunol. 13:859686.
Milde S, Brown GC (2022) Knockout of the P2Y6 Receptor Prevents Peri-Infarct Neuronal Loss after Transient, Focal Ischemia in Mouse Brain. Int J Mol Sci. 23:2304.
Puigdellívol M, Milde S, Vilalta A, Cockram TOJ, Allendorf DH, Lee JY, Dundee JM, Pampuščenko K, Borutaite V, Nuthall HN, Brelstaff JH, Spillantini MG, Brown GC (2021). The microglial P2Y6 receptor mediates neuronal loss and memory deficits in neurodegeneration. Cell Rep., 37(13):110148.
Milde S, van Tartwijk FW, Vilalta A, Hornik TC, Dundee JM, Puigdellívol M, Brown GC (2021). Inflammatory neuronal loss in the substantia nigra induced by systemic lipopolysaccharide is prevented by knockout of the P2Y6 receptor in mice. J Neuroinflammation 15:225
Butler CA, Thornton P, Brown GC (2021) CD33M inhibits microglial phagocytosis, migration and proliferation, but the Alzheimer’s disease-protective variant CD33m stimulates phagocytosis and proliferation, and inhibits adhesion. J Neurochem 158:2
Birkle T, Brown GC. I'm Infected, Eat Me! Innate Immunity Mediated by Live, Infected Cells Signaling To Be Phagocytosed. Infect Immun. 2021 Apr 16;89(5):e00476-20. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00476-20
Vilalta A, Zhou, Y, Sevalle J, Griffin JK, Satoh K, Allendorf DH, De S, Puigdellívol M, Bruzas A, Burguillos MA, Dodd RB, Chen F, Zhang Y, Flagmeier P, Needham LM, Enomoto M, Qamar S, Henderson J, Walter J, Fraser PE, Klenerman D, Lee SF, St George-Hyslop P, Brown GC (2021) Wild-type sTREM2 blocks Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity, but the Alzheimer's R47H mutant increases Aβ aggregation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296
Allendorf DH, Franssen EH, Brown GC (2020) Lipopolysaccharide activates microglia via neuraminidase 1 desialylation of Toll‐like Receptor 4. J Neurochem 155:4
Pampuscenko K, Morkuniene R, Sneideris T, Smirnovas V, Budvytyte R, Valincius G, Brown GC, Borutaite V (2020) Extracellular tau induces microglial phagocytosis of living neurons in cell cultures. J Neurochem. e14940.
Cockram TOJ, Puigdellívol M, Brown GC (2019) Calreticulin and Galectin-3 Opsonise Bacteria for Phagocytosis by Microglia. Front Immunol. 10:2647.
Allendorf DH, Puigdellívol M, Brown GC (2020) Activated microglia desialylate their surface, stimulating complement receptor 3-mediated phagocytosis of neurons. Glia. 68:989-998.
Carrillo-Jimenez A, Deniz Ö, Niklison-Chirou MV, Ruiz R, Bezerra-Salomão K, Stratoulias V, Amouroux R, Yip PK, Vilalta A, Cheray M, Scott-Egerton AM, Rivas E, Tayara K, García-Domínguez I, Garcia-Revilla J, Fernandez-Martin JC, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Shen X, St George-Hyslop P, Brown GC, Hajkova P, Joseph B, Venero JL, Branco MR, Burguillos MA (2019) TET2 Regulates the Neuroinflammatory Response in Microglia. Cell Rep. 29:697-713.e8
Brown GC (2019) The endotoxin hypothesis of neurodegeneration. J Neuroinflammation. 16:180.
Boza-Serrano A, Ruiz R, Sanchez-Varo R, García-Revilla J, Yang Y, Jimenez-Ferrer I, Paulus A, Wennström M, Vilalta A, Allendorf D, Davila JC, Stegmayr J, Jiménez S, Roca-Ceballos MA, Navarro-Garrido V, Swanberg M, Hsieh CL, Real LM, Englund E, Linse S, Leffler H, Nilsson UJ, Brown GC, Gutierrez A, Vitorica J, Venero JL, Deierborg T (2019) Galectin-3, a novel endogenous TREM2 ligand, detrimentally regulates inflammatory response in Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol. 138:251-273.
Métayer LE, Brown RD, Carlebur S, Burke GAA, Brown GC (2019) Mechanisms of cell death induced by arginase and asparaginase in precursor B-cell lymphoblasts. Apoptosis 24, 145-156.
Carrillo-Jimenez A, Puigdellívol M, Vilalta A, Venero JL, Brown GC, StGeorge-Hyslop P, Burguillos MA (2018) Effective Knockdown of Gene Expression in Primary Microglia With siRNA and Magnetic Nanoparticles Without Cell Death or Inflammation. Front Cell Neurosci. 12:313.
Fricker M, Tolkovsky AM, Borutaite V, Coleman M, Brown GC (2018) Neuronal Cell Death. Physiol Rev. 98:813-880.
Nomura K, Vilalta A, Allendorf DH, Hornik TC, Brown GC (2017) Activated Microglia Desialylate and Phagocytose Cells via Neuraminidase, Galectin-3, and Mer Tyrosine Kinase. J Immunol. 198:4792-4801.
Métayer LE, Vilalta A, Burke GAA, Brown GC (2017) Anti-CD47 antibodies induce phagocytosis of live, malignant B cells by macrophages via the Fc domain, resulting in cell death by phagoptosis. Oncotarget 8:60892-60903.
Yip PK, Carrillo-Jimenez A, King P, Vilalta A, Nomura K, Chau CC, Egerton AM, Liu ZH, Shetty AJ, Tremoleda JL, Davies M, Deierborg T, Priestley JV, Brown GC, Michael-Titus AT, Venero JL, Burguillos MA (2017) Galectin-3 released in response to traumatic brain injury acts as an alarmin orchestrating brain immune response and promoting neurodegeneration. Sci Rep. 7:41689.
Vilalta A, Brown GC (2018) Neurophagy, the phagocytosis of live neurons and synapses by glia, contributes to brain development and disease. FEBS J. 285, 3566-75.
Brown GC, St George-Hyslop PH (2017) Deciphering microglial diversity in Alzheimer's disease. Science 356:1123-1124.
Neniskyte U, Fricker M, Brown GC (2016) Amyloid β induces microglia to phagocytose neurons via activation of protein kinase Cs and NADPH oxidase. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 81:346-355.
Hornik TC, Vilalta A, Brown GC (2016) Activated microglia cause reversible apoptosis of pheochromocytoma cells, inducing their cell death by phagocytosis. J Cell Sci. 129:65-79.
Brown GC, Vilalta A, Fricker M (2015) Phagoptosis - Cell Death By Phagocytosis - Plays Central Roles in Physiology, Host Defense and Pathology. Curr Mol Med. 15:842-51.
Brown GC, Vilalta A (2015) How microglia kill neurons. Brain Res. 1628, 288-97.
Michael T Heneka, Monica J Carson, Joseph El Khoury, Gary E Landreth, Frederic Brosseron, Douglas L Feinstein, Andreas H Jacobs, Tony Wyss-Coray, Javier Vitorica, Richard M Ransohoff, Karl Herrup, Sally A Frautschy, Bente Finsen, Guy C Brown, Alexei Verkhratsky, Koji Yamanaka, Jari Koistinaho, Eicke Latz, Annett Halle, Gabor C Petzold, Terrence Town, Dave Morgan, Mari L Shinohara, V Hugh Perry, Clive Holmes, Nicolas G Bazan, David J Brooks, Stéphane Hunot, Bertrand Joseph, Nikolaus Deigendesch, Olga Garaschuk, Erik Boddeke, Charles A Dinarello, John C Breitner, Greg M Cole, Douglas T Golenbock, Markus P Kummer (2015). Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet Neurology 14, 388-405.
Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Hornik T & Brown GC (2014) Inhibition of UDP/P2Y6 purinergic signaling prevents phagocytosis of viable neurons by activated microglia in vitro and in vivo, Glia 62:1463-75.
Neniskyte U, Vilalta A, Brown GC (2014) Tumour necrosis factor alpha induced neuronal loss is mediated by microglial phagocytosis. FEBS Lett. 588:2952-6.
Vilalta A & Brown GC (2014) Deoxyglucose prevents neurodegeneration in culture by eliminating microglia. J Neuroinflammation. 11:58.
Hornik TC, Neniskyte U & Brown GC (2014) Inflammation induces Multinucleation of Microglia via PKC inhibition of Cytokinesis, generating highly phagocytic Multinucleated Giant Cells. J. Neurochem. 128, 650-661.
Neher JJ, Emmrich JV, Fricker M, Mander PK, Thery C, Brown GC (2013) Phagocytosis executes delayed neuronal death after focal brain ischemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci 110:E4098-107.
Emmrich J. Hornik T Neher J & Brown GC (2013) Rotenone induces neuronal death by microglial phagocytosis of neurons. FEBS J. 280, 5030-5038.
Neniskyte U, Brown GC (2013) Lactadherin/MFG-E8 is essential for microglia-mediated neuronal loss and phagoptosis induced by amyloid β. J Neurochem. 126, 312-7.
Fricker M, Vilalta A, Tolkovsky AM, Brown GC (2013) Caspase inhibitors protect neurons by enabling selective necroptosis of inflamed microglia. J Biol Chem. 288, 9145-52.
Fricker M, Oliva-Martin MJ, Brown GC (2012) Primary phagocytosis of viable neurons by microglia activated with LPS or Abeta is dependent on calreticulin/LRP phagocytic signalling. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 13, 9.
Fricker M, Neher JJ, Zhao JW, Théry C, Tolkovsky AM, Brown GC (2012) MFG-E8 Mediates Primary Phagocytosis of Viable Neurons during Neuroinflammation. J Neurosci. 32, 2657-66.
Skemiene K, Rakauskaite G, Trumbeckaite S, Liobikas J, Brown GC, Borutaite V (2013) Anthocyanins block ischemia-induced apoptosis in the perfused heart and support mitochondrial respiration potentially by reducing cytosolic cytochrome c. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 45, 23-9.
Neniskyte U, Neher JJ, Brown GC. (2011) Neuronal death induced by nanomolar amyloid beta is mediated by primary phagocytosis of neurons by microglia. J Biol Chem. 286:39904-13.
Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Zhao ZW, Bal-Price A, Tolkovsky AM & Brown GC (2011) Inhibition of microglial phagocytosis is sufficient to prevent inflammatory neuronal death. J. Immunol. 186, 4973-83.
Barauskaite J, Grybauskiene R, Morkuniene R, Borutaite V, Brown GC (2011) Tetramethylphenylenediamine protects the isolated heart against ischaemia-induced apoptosis and reperfusion-induced necrosis. Br J Pharmacol. 162:1136-42.
Brown GC (2010) The principle of sufficiency and the evolution of control: using control analysis to understand the design principles of biological systems. Biochem Soc Trans. 38:1210-4.
Brown RD, Burke GA, Brown GC (2009) Dependence of leukemic cell proliferation and survival on H2O2 and L-arginine. Free Radic Biol Med. 46:1211-20.
Thompson AJ, Mander PK, Brown GC. (2009) The NO donor DETA-NONOate reversibly activates an inward current in neurones and is not mediated by the released nitric oxide. Br J Pharmacol. 158:1338-43.
Borutaite V, Morkuniene R, Arandarcikaite O, Jekabsone A, Barauskaite J & Brown GC. (2009) Nitric oxide protects the heart from ischemia-induced apoptosis and mitochondrial damage via protein kinase G mediated blockage of permeability transition and cytochrome c release. Journal of Biomedical Science 2009, 16:70.
Brown GC & Radcliffe SA (2009) Does the end of life have to be hell? Soundings 42, 67-78.
Brown GC, Borutaite V (2007) Mitochondrial regulation of caspase activation by cytochrome oxidase and tetramethylphenylenediamine (TMPD) via cytosolic cytochrome C redox state. J Biol Chem. 282, 31124-30.
Jekabsone, A., Nehrer, J., Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (2007) Nitric oxide from neuronal nitric oxide synthase sensitises neurons to hypoxia-induced death via competitive inhibition of cytochrome oxidase. J. Neurochem. 103, 346-356.
Jekabsone A, Mander PK, Tickler A, Sharpe M, Brown GC. (2006) Fibrillar beta-amyloid peptide Abeta1-40 activates microglial proliferation via stimulating TNF-alpha release and H2O2 derived from NADPH oxidase: a cell culture study. J Neuroinflammation. 3:24.
Borutaite, V., Hope, H., & Brown, G. C. (2006) Arachidonate and NADPH oxidase synergise with iNOS to induce death in macrophages: mechanisms of inflammatory degeneration. Pharmacol Rep. 58: 96-102.
Bal-Price, A., Garlton, J. & Brown, G. C. (2006) Nitric oxide stimulates PC12 cell proliferation via energy depletion. Nitric Oxide 14, 238-46.
Mander, P. K., Jekabsone, A. & Brown, G. C. (2006) Microglial proliferation is regulated by hydrogen peroxide from NADPH oxidase. J. Immunol. 176, 1046-52.
Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (2006) S-nitrosothiol inhibition of mitochondrial complex I causes a reversible increase in mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1757, 562-6.
Kinsner, A., Monica Boveri, Lars Hareng, Stephanie Traub, Guy Brown, Sandra Coecke, Thomas Hartung and Anna Bal-Price (2006) Highly purified lipoteichoic acid induced proinflammatory signalling in primary culture of rat microglia through Toll-like receptor 2: selective potentiation of nitric oxide production by muramyl dipeptide. J. Neurochem. 99, 596-607.
Mander, P., Borutaite, V., Moncada, S. & Brown G. C. (2005) Nitric oxide from glial iNOS sensitizes neurons to hypoxic death via mitochondrial respiratory inhibition. J. Neurosci. Res. 79, 208-215.
Borutaite, V., Moncada, S. & Brown, G. C. (2005) Nitric oxide from inducible nitric oxide synthase sensitizes the inflamed aorta to hypoxic damage via respiratory inhibition. Shock 23, 319-323.
Kinsner A, Pilotto V, Deininger S, Brown GC, Coecke S, Hartung T, Bal-Price A. (2005) Inflammatory neurodegeneration induced by lipoteichoic acid from Staphylococcus aureus is mediated by glia activation, nitrosative and oxidative stress, and caspase activation. J. Neurochem. 95, 1132-43.
Mander, P. K. & Brown, G.C. (2005) Activation of microglial NADPH oxidase is synergistic with glial iNOS expression in inducing neuronal death: a dual-key mechanism of inflammatory neurodegeneration. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2005, 2:20.
Jekabsone, A., Ivanoviene, L., Brown, G.C., Borutaite, V. (2003) Nitric oxide and calcium together inactivate mitochondrial complex I and induce cytochrome c release. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 35. 803-809.
Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (2003) Nitric oxide induces apoptosis via hydrogen peroxide, but necrosis via energy and thiol depletion. Free Rad. Biol. Med. 35, 1457-68.
Jekabsone, A., Morkuniene, R., Brown, G.C., Borutaite, V. (2003) S-nitrosothiols, but not nitric oxide, induce cytochrome c release, mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase activation in perfused heart via mitochondrial permeability transition. Biochem. Pharmacol. 66, 1513-20.
Yung, H-W., Bal-Price, A.K., Brown, G.C. & Tolkovsky A.M. (2004) Nitric oxide-induced cell death of cerebrocortical murine astrocytes is mediated through p53- and Bax-dependent pathways. J. Neurochem. 89, 812-21.
Borutaite, V., Jekabsone, A., Morkuniene, R., Brown, G.C. (2003) Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition prevents mitochondrial dysfunction, cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by heart ischemia. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 35, 357-366.
Golde, S., Chandran, S., Brown, G. C. & Compston, A. (2002) Different pathways for iNOS-mediated toxicity in vitro dependent on neuronal maturation and NMDA receptor expression. J Neurochem. 82, 269-82.
Bal-Price, A., Moneer, Z. & Brown, G. C. (2002) Nitric oxide induces rapid, calcium-dependent release of vesicular glutamate and ATP from cultured rat astrocytes. Glia 40, 312-323.
Bal-Price, A. & Brown, G. C. (2002) Stimulation of the NADPH oxidase in activated rat microglia removes nitric oxide but induces peroxynitrite production. J. Neurochem. 80, 73-80.
Stewart VC, Heslegrave AJ, Brown GC, Clark JB, Heales SJ. (2002) Nitric oxide-dependent damage to neuronal mitochondria involves the NMDA receptor. Eur J Neurosci. 15, 458-464.
Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (2001) Caspases are reversibly inactivated by hydrogen peroxide. FEBS Lett. 500, 114-8.
Bal-Price, A. & Brown, G. C. (2001) Inflammatory neurodegeneration mediated by nitric oxide from activated glia, inhibiting neuronal respiration, causing glutamate release and excitoxicity. J. Neuroscience 21, 6480-6491.
Borutaite, V., Budriunaite, A., Morkuniene, R. & Brown, G. C. (2001) Release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and activation of cytosolic caspases induced by mycocardial ischaemia. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1537, 101-109.
Borutaite, V., Matthias, A., Harris, H., Moncada, S. & Brown, G. C. (2001) Reversible inhibition of cellular respiration by nitric oxide in vascular inflammation. Am. J. Physiol. 281, H2256-H2260.
Kholodenko, B.N., Brown, G.C, Hoek, J.B. Diffusion control of protein phosphorylation flux in signal transduction pathways. Biochem. J. (2000), 530, 901-907.
Bal-Price, A. & Brown, G. C. (2000) Nitric oxide induced necrosis and apoptosis in PC12 cells mediated by mitochondria. J. Neurochem. 75, 1455-1464.
Borutaite, V., Budriunaite, A. & Brown, G. C. (2000) Reversal of nitric oxide-, peroxynitrite- and S-nitrosothiol-induced inhibition of mitochondrial respiration or complex I activity by light and thiols. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1459,405-412.
Borutaite, V., Morkuniene, R. & Brown, G. C. (2000) Nitric oxide donors, nitrosothiols and mitochondrial respiration inhibitors induce caspase activation by different mechanisms. FEBS Lett. 467, 155-159.
Brown, G. C. & Kholodenko, B. N. (1999) Spatial gradients of cellular phospho-proteins. FEBS Lett. 457, 452-454.
McBride, A. G., Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (1999) Superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide cause rapid nitric oxide breakdown, peroxynitrite production and subsequent cell death. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1454, 275-288.
Borutaite, V., Morkuniene, R. & Brown, G. C. (1999) Release of cytochrome c from heart mitochondria is induced by high calcium and peroxynitrite and is responsible for calcium-induced inhibition of substrate oxidation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1453, 41-48.
Clementi, E., Brown, G. C., Foxwell, N. & Moncada, S. (1999) On the mechanism by which vascular endothelial cells regulate their oxygen consumption. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 1559-1562.
McNaught, K. St. P. & Brown, G. C. (1998) Nitric oxide causes glutamate release from brain synaptosomes following inhibition of mitochondrial function. J. Neurochem. 70, 1541-1546.
Clementi, E., Brown, G. C., Feelisch, M. & Moncada, S. (1998) Persistent inhibition of cell respiration by nitric oxide: Crucial role of S-nitrosylation of mitochondrial complex I and protective action of glutathione. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95, 7631-7636.
Soboll, S., Oh, M-H. & Brown, G. C. (1998) Control of oxidative phosphorylation, gluconeogenesis, ureagenesis and ATP turnover in isolated perfused rat liver analysed by top-down metabolic control analysis. Eur. J. Biochem. 254, 194-201.
Kholodenko, B. N., Hoek, J. B., Brown, G. C. & Westerhoff, H. V. (1998) Control analysis of cellular signal transduction pathways. In: BioThermoKinetics in the Post Genomic Era (Larsson, C et al. eds.) Chalmers Reproservice, Gotenberg.
Brown, G. C. (1998) Evolutionary implications of metabolic control analysis for maximisation of rates of enzymes, pathways and physiological processes by natural selection. In: BioThermoKinetics in the Post Genomic Era (Larsson, C et al. eds.) Chalmers Reproservice, Gotenberg.
Korzeniewski, B. & Brown, G. C. (1998) Quantification of the relative contribution of parallel pathways to signal transfer: application to cellular energy transduction. Biophysical Chemistry 75, 73-80.
Brown, G. C., Foxwell, N. & Moncada, S. (1998) Transcellular regulation of cell respiration by nitric oxide generated by activated macrophages. FEBS Lett.439, 321-324.
Brown, G. C., Hoek, J. B. & Kholodenko, B. N. (1997) Why do protein kinase cascades have more than one level? Trends Biochem. Sci. 22, 288.
Kholodenko, B. N., Hoek, J. B., Westerhoff, H. V. & Brown, G. C. (1997) Quantification of information transfer via cellular signal transduction pathways. FEBS Lett. 414, 430-434.
McBride, A. G. & Brown, G. C. (1997) Activation of human neutrophils causes rapid nitric oxide breakdown. FEBS Lett. 417, 231-234.
Penrice, J., Lorek, A., Cady, E. B., Amess, P. N., Wylezinska, M., Cooper, C. E., D'Souza, P., Brown, G. C., Kirkbride, V., Edwards, A. D., Wyatt, J. S. & Reynolds, E. O. R. (1997) Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain during acute hypoxia-ischemia and delayed cerebral energy failure in the newborn piglet Pediatr. Res. 41, 795-802.
Borutaite, V., Morkuniene, R., Budriunaite, A., Krasauskaite, D., Ryselis, S., Toleikis, A. & Brown, G. C. (1996) Kinetic analysis of changes in activity of heart mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system induced by ischaemia. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 28, 2195-2201.
Mildaziene, V., Baniene, R., Nauciene, Z., Marcinkeviciute, A., Borutaite, V., Kholodenko, B. & Brown, G. C. (1996) Ca2+ stimulates both respiratory and phosphorylation subsystems in heart mitochondria. Biochem. J. 320, 329-334.
Kholodenko, B. N. & Brown, G. C. (1996) Paradoxical control properties of enzymes within pathways: can activation cause an enzyme to have increased control? Biochem. J. 314, 753-760.
Borutaite, V. & Brown, G. C. (1996) Mitochondria rapidly reduce nitric oxide, and nitric oxide reversibly inhibits mitochondrial respiration. Biochem. J. 315, 295-299.
Brown, G.C. (1996) Information transfer via energy transducing pathways: Control of ATP turnover by ATP production. In: BioThermoKinetics of the Living Cell (eds H.V. Westerhoff et al.) pp. 71-74.
Kholodenko, B.N. & Brown, G.C. (1996) Extension of metabolic control analysis to physiology: control by body organs in vivo. In BioThermoKinetics of the Living Cell (eds H.V. Westerhoff et al.) pp. 163-167.
Mildaziene, V., Baniene, R., Nauciene, Z., Baker, B. M., Brown, G. C., Westerhoff, H. V. & Kholodenko, B. N. (1995) Calcium indirectly increases the control exerted by the adenine nucleotide translocator over 2-oxoglutarate oxidation in rat heart mitochondria. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1995 Dec 1;324(1):130-4. doi: 10.1006/abbi.1995.9918.
Borutaite, V., Morkuniene, R., Budriunaite, A. & Brown, G.C.(1996) Phenomenological kinetic analysis of ischaemic damage to heart mitochondria: role of calcium, fatty acids and cytochrome c. In BioThermoKinetics of the Living Cell (eds H.V. Westerhoff et al.) pp. 89-93.
Brown, G. C., Westerhoff, H. V. & Kholodenko, B. N. (1996) Molecular control analysis: Control within proteins and molecular processes. J. theor. Biol. 182, 163-167.
Brown, G. C. (1996) Nitric oxide reversibly inhibits cytochrome oxidase, catalase and cell energy metabolism, and cytochrome oxidase rapidly reduces NO. in The Biology of Nitric Oxide part 5 (Stamler, J. et al, eds.), Portland Press, London.
Brown, G. C. (1995) The analysis of control and regulation in bioenergetics. In: Bioenergetics: a practical approach (eds. G. C. Brown & C. E. Cooper), pp. 111-131, IRL Press, Oxford.
Brown, G. C. & Cooper, C. E. (1995) Bioenergetics: a practical approach, IRL Press, Oxford.
Brown, G. C. (1995) Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial respiration and cell functions by inhibiting cytochrome oxidase. FEBS Lett. 369, 136-139.
Mildaziene, V., Baniene, R., Nauciene, Z., Baker, B. M., Brown, G. C., Westerhoff, H. V. & Kholodenko, B. N. (1995) Calcium indirectly increases the control exerted by the adenine nucleotide translocator over 2-oxoglutarate oxidation in rat heart mitochondria. Archiv. Biophys. Biochem. 324, 130-134.
Brown, G. C. (1995) Reversible binding and inhibition of catalase by nitric oxide. Eur. J. Biochem. 232, 188-191.
Borutaite, V., Mildaziene, V., Brown, G. C. & Brand, M. D. (1995) Control and kinetic analysis of ischaemia-damaged heart mitochondria: which parts of the oxidative phosphorylation system are affected by ischemia? Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1272, 154-158.
Thorenson, M., Penrice, J., Lorek, A., Cady, E. B., Wylezinska, M., Kirkbride, V., Cooper, C. E., Brown, G. C., Edwards, A. D., Wyatt, J. S. & Reynolds, E. O. R. (1995) Mild hypothermia following severe transient hypoxia-ischaemia ameliorates delayed cerebral energy failure in the new born piglet. Pediatric Research, 37, 667-670.
Brown, G. C. (1995) Rate control within the Na+/glucose cotransporter. Biophys. Chem. 54, 181-189.
Brown, G. C., Bolanos, J. P., Heales, S. J. R. & Clark, J. B. (1995) Nitric oxide produced by activated astrocytes rapidly and reversibly inhibits cellular respiration. Neuroscience Lett.
193, 201-204.
Cooper, C. E. & Brown, G. C. (1995) The interaction between nitric oxide and brain nerve terminals as studied by electron paramagnetic resonance. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 212, 404-412.
Mehmet, H. Yue, X., Squier, M. V., Cady, E., Penrice, J., Sarraf, C., Wylezinska, M., Kirkbride, V., Cooper, C., Brown, G. C., Wyatt, J. S., Reynolds, E. O. R. & Edwards, A. D. (1994) Increased apoptosis in the cingulate sulcus of newborn piglets following transient hypoxia-ischaemia is related to the degree of high energy phosphate depletion during the insult.
Neuroscience Lett. 181, 121-125.
Cooper, C. E., Matcher, S. J., Wyatt, J. S., Cope, M.,Brown, G. C., Nemoto, E. M. & Delpy, D. T. (1994) Near infrared spectroscopy of the brain: relevance to cytochrome oxidase bioenergetics. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 974-980.
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Reviews & Hypotheses
Heneka, M.T., van der Flier, W.M., Jessen, F. Jeroen Hoozemanns, Dietmar Rudolf Thal, Delphine Boche, Frederic Brosseron, Charlotte Teunissen, Henrik Zetterberg, Andreas H. Jacobs, Paul Edison, Alfredo Ramirez, Carlos Cruchaga, Jean-Charles Lambert, Agustin Ruiz Laza, Jose Vicente Sanchez-Mut, Andre Fischer, Sergio Castro-Gomez, Thor D. Stein, Luca Kleineidam, Michael Wagner, Jonas J. Neher, Colm Cunningham, Sim K. Singhrao, Marco Prinz, Christopher K. Glass, Johannes C. M. Schlachetzki, Oleg Butovsky, Kilian Kleemann, Philip L. De Jaeger, Hannah Scheiblich, Guy C. Brown, Gary Landreth, Miguel Moutinho, Jaime Grutzendler, Diego Gomez-Nicola, Róisín M. McManus, Katrin Andreasson, Christina Ising, Deniz Karabag, Darren J. Baker, Shane A. Liddelow, Alexei Verkhratsky, Malu Tansey, Alon Monsonego, Ludwig Aigner, Guillaume Dorothée, Klaus-Armin Nave, Mikael Simons, Gabriela Constantin, Neta Rosenzweig, Alberto Pascual, Gabor C. Petzold, Jonathan Kipnis, Carmen Venegas, Marco Colonna, Jochen Walter, Andrea J. Tenner, M. Kerry O’Banion, Joern R. Steinert, Douglas L. Feinstein, Magdalena Sastre, Kiran Bhaskar, Soyon Hong, Dorothy P. Schafer, Todd Golde, Richard M. Ransohoff, David Morgan, John Breitner, Renzo Mancuso & Sean-Patrick Riechers Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer disease. Nat Rev Immunol (2024).
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