Work opportunities involving microglia
Postdoctoral positions
Tomás R. Guilarte, PhD
Dean, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work
Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience & Imaging
Director, Brain Behavior & Environment-FIU Emerging Preeminent Program
Member, Academy of Science, Engineering & Medicine of Florida
Florida International University
Miami, Florida. 33199
A postdoctoral position is available for a highly motivated candidate with background in cellular and molecular biology, to investigate the function of Translocator Protein 18kDA (TSPO) in microglia.
TSPO function in microglia: Translocator Protein 18kDa (TSPO), previously named peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, is a glial stress response protein that has been validated as a biomarker of brain injury and neuroinflammation and is widely used in preclinical and clinical neuroimaging studies. Our laboratory has a long-standing history of studying TSPO as a biomarker and over the last 5 years we have concentrated our efforts in understanding the function of TSPO in microglia. We have discovered that TSPO interacts with NADPH Oxidase in microglia and are examining the molecular, cellular, and functional aspects of this interaction in primary microglia and in whole animals. This work will use TSPO-knockout mice providing the molecular specificity to study the function of TSPO in primary glial cells and in whole animals. We have a variety of behavioral, cellular, and molecular approaches that are available for these ongoing studies. This position for 2-3 years is funded by an on-going NIH grant (ES007062-22). See selected publications from our lab on this topic below:
Loth MK et al.: A Novel interaction of Translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO) with NADPH Oxidase in Microglia. Molecular Neurobiology 57: 4467-4487, 2020.
Guilarte TR: TSPO in diverse CNS pathologies and psychiatric disease: a critical review and a way forward. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 194: 44-58, 2019.
Coughlin JM et al: Imaging glial cell activation and white matter integrity in brains from active and recently retired National Football League players. JAMA Neurology 74: 67-74, 2017.
Guilarte TR et al: TSPO finds NOX2 in microglia for redox homeostasis. Trends Pharmacological Sciences 37: 334-343, 2016.
Requirements: PhD in Biological sciences. Strong background in cellular and molecular biology. Experience in studies using microglia is highly desirable.
The start date of this position is expected immediately.
Interested candidates must attach cover letter and CV and submit to tguilart@fiu.edu. Candidates will be requested to provide names and contact information for at least 3 professional references.